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 About The Daily Robin

The Daily Robin was originally created as a page on Facebook on June 20, 2017, to show off my photos of robins and other birds. Then I decided to create this website to display all my photos in one place. I've also added photos I've taken of other animals. I love to photograph nature, especially birds.


I think fish are also awesome but it is harder to take fish pictures unless you can catch them. I love fishing and using my cast net to catch fish. I also love catching other animals like lizards, turtles, frogs, and bugs. I love bugs too. My favorite bug is the Titan Beetle - a huge 8 inch long beetle that has jaws strong enough to snap a pencil in two and sounds like a mini helicopter when it flies. My favorite bird is the Peregrine Falcon - the fastest animal in the world, diving after prey at speeds of 240 mph. My favorite fish is the Piraiba Catfish - a HUGE monster catfish that grows over 9 feet long and has been known to swallow people whole.

My pets include: Percy - a black tabby cat, Ty - an orange tabby cat, Kira - a tan tabby cat, Raven - a black and white tabby cat, Isaac - an outdoor black and white American short hair cat, Reginald - a black bullhead catfish, Jeff, Jr., and Leonard - Woodhouse's toads, and Lazy - a Great Plains toad.


I use a Cannon Power Shot 50x optical zoom HD camera to take my pictures. I hope you enjoy looking at my photos as much as I enjoy taking them!

~The Daily Robin~

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